Entry #18 – Ants are Done

So I completed my finals and all the stuffs related including the diploma show which is an event that where final year students exhibit their artworks and hopefully someone will buy it.

*Spoiler Alert: Mine didn’t get bought.

So the theme for this semesters diploma show is called “Objects” by rough definition means something which is visible and tangible. So,by my interest in insects I decided to go for ants as my subject .

In case you’re wondering,why ants?

Well let me tell you.Since ants are considered ‘hardworking’ in nature I wanted to show the opposite side of that which is laziness.My artwork acts as a message that reflects the society these days where everything is done all digital and with gadgets and what not.Those things makes life easier,True, but are they really ease our life too much till the point we don’t have to socialize and do simple task by ourselves anymore?

Well, I won’t say more.I guess I’ll let the artworks do the talking :3. Thanks a lot to my lecturers that helped me a lot in guiding me.Without them I think my artworks are just lines on paper.I really learnt a lot from them.

Expect more post from now on since I am basically ‘free’ now. . . kind of. . . sort of.

Entry #16- Antsy Busy


Theres no other thing in my life that needs to be done other than completing my artworks, so by this month it is expected to be done and by the next is the exhibition.Hopr that my artworks will make it as well as my soul.